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Friday, June 24, 2016

Name this Artist

As I do from time to time, I've put together a little quiz for those who think they know something about art. Every one of the artists below you've no doubt heard of, but have not associated their names with their art. In making it a little easier I've included an interesting clue beneath each work which may, or may not, help in identifying the artist. Beyond that, I've even included two self-portraits. Please e-mail me at if you can identify one or more of the artists. I'll be happy to post the name of the first art expert getting the most correct. Good luck!

1. He paid his taxes with paintings.

2. He painted on his front porch.

3. Twice he was rejected by the Vienna Academy of Art.

4. Famous artist of Italian descent.

5. Son of a painter, father of a painter

6. His father was Irish, his mother Mexican.

7. Famous for his nude self-portraits.

8. One of his earliest paintings.

9. High on a hill in Rome.

10. One of his few watercolors.

On two of the paintings I've left the signature intact. Can you find them?

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